Macro Assignment

Okay, this is probably going to be just a quick post because it's a busy weekend for me... Graduating in 4 hours, going to Guatemala in less than 72... whee! I still had time for one more assignment before I left the country... This week's assignment was Macro, any medium, any size, any subject...just zoom in really really close. (sorry the photo is a little off with the color but I don't think it would fit in our scanner...)

lion fish fin

I'm really happy with how it turned out. I got to use my inktense pencils again and really test them out. It was challenging to guess how the colors would interact with each other when I got around to using my water brushes because the pencil colors differ from the ink colors once they've been watered down. The image is a zoomed in look at a Lion-fish I photographed at the zoo a few weeks ago. I loved the colors and structure of the fin.

Fun assignment! Back to packing and getting dressed... whee!

Oh, shameless plug... keep track of my ventures in Guatemala at this blog...